
Effective from the Academic year 2021 and applicable to the students, admitted through Online Mode at Anna University, both in the Calendar and Academic years.
The following Regulations will be applicable to MBA Programmes offered through Online Mode.
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:
i. “University” means ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI - 600 025.
ii. “Online Programme” means the Programme of study which is delivered through online mode leading to award of a PG Degree in Business Administration approved by University.
iii. “Branch” means a specialization or discipline in MBA programme such as Business Analytics /General Management etc.
iv. “Course” means a Theory subject that is normally studied in a semester, like, Management Concepts and Organisation Behaviour, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Analytics etc.
v. “Director, Centre for Distance Education and Online Cell” means the authority of the University to monitor and implement the programmes offered through Distance and Online Mode.
vi. “Programme Coordinator” means a full-time Faculty in the subject area of the concerned programme and who shall be responsible for overall coordination of the development, delivery and assessments of the learners in an Online Programme.
vii. “Course Coordinator” means a full-time Faculty in the concerned course who shall be responsible for all development, delivery and assessments of the learners in each course.
viii. “Course Mentor” means a faculty who shall assist the Programme or Course Coordinator in providing academic support to learners and also in managing virtual teacher learner interaction groups.
ix. “e-Learning Material" means and includes content in the form of structured course material, as a part of one or more courses in the Online Course, in digital format delivered through Learning Management System, which is inter-alia self-explanatory, self-contained, self-directed at the learner, and amenable to self-evaluation, and enables the learner to acquire the prescribed level of learning in a course of study, but does not include text-books or guide-books.
x. “Learning Management System” means a system to keep track of delivery of e-learning Course, learner’s engagement, assessment, results, reporting and other related details in one centralized location.
xi. “Learner Support Services” means and includes such services as are provided by the Online cell, CDE, Anna University in order to facilitate the acquisition of teaching-learning experiences by the learner to the prescribed level in respect of the programme of study under online mode.
xii. “Online Mode” means a mode of providing flexible learning opportunities by overcoming separation of teacher and learner using internet, e-Learning Materials and full-fledged programme delivery through the internet using technology assisted mechanism and resources.
xiii. “Self-Learning e-Module” for Online mode means a modular unit of course material in e-learning form which is inter alia self-explanatory, self- contained, self-directed at the learner, and amenable to self-evaluation, and enables the learner to acquire the prescribed level of learning in a course of study and includes contents in the form of a combination of the following e-Learning content, namely:
(a) e-Text Materials;
(b) Video Lectures;
(c) Audio-Visual interactive material;
(d) Virtual Classroom sessions;
(e) Audio Pod casts;
(f) Virtual Simulation; and
(g) Self-Assessment Quizzes or Tests;
xiv. “Examination Centre” means a place where examinations are conducted, inter alia, for assessment of the learners pursuing programmes under Online mode and is having the requisite infrastructure relevant to respective mode of education including adequate manpower for smooth conduct of examinations and adhering to such minimum standards.
xv. “Proctored Examination” means the examination conducted under the supervision of approved person or technology enabled proctoring which ensures the identity of the test taker and the integrity of the test taking environment, either in pen-paper mode or in computer based testing mode or in full-fledged Online mode; as permissible in Online mode.
xvi. “Credit” means the unit award gained by a learner with study efforts of minimum number of hours required to acquire the prescribed level of learning in respect of that Unit.
xvii. “Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)” means a Centre established by a Higher Educational Institution for ensuring the quality of programmes being offered in Open and Distance Learning mode and Online mode.
xviii. “Online Steering Committee” means a Committee constituted by the concerned authority to directly approve, monitor, track and administer the project work and its internal evaluation at the Centre for Distance Education and Online Cell, Anna University, Chennai.
xix. “Director, Academic Courses” means the authority of the University who is responsible for all academic activities of the University for implementation of relevant rules of this Regulation.
xx. “Controller of Examinations” means the Authority of the University who is responsible for all activities of the University Examinations.
(i) MBA ( Business Analytics)
(ii) MBA ( General Management)
2.2 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: (for both Indian and International learners)
Candidates for admission to the first semester of MBA - Programmes shall be required to have passed an appropriate Degree Examination of a recognized University as specified under qualification for admission in TABLE I or any other examination of any University recognized by UGC / AICTE/AIU or any authority accepted by the Syndicate of Anna University, Chennai as equivalent thereto.
2.2.1 However, the Syndicate of the University may decide to restrict admission in any particular year to candidates having a subset of qualifications prescribed in TABLE I.
2.2.2 Notwithstanding the qualifying examination the candidate might have passed, he/she shall have a minimum level of proficiency in the appropriate programme / courses as prescribed by the Syndicate of the University from time to time.
2.2.3 Eligibility conditions for admission such as class obtained and number of attempts in qualifying examination will be as prescribed by the Syndicate of the University from time to time.
(As per Clause 2.3)
S.No. | PG Programmes | ** Qualifications for Admission |
1. | Master of Business Administration (MBA) for all specializations | *Any Degree |
*Candidates must have qualified the three year or four year Bachelor’s degree examination after passing 10+2 or equivalent under Indian board or foreign board or 8+4 or 9+3 under foreign board
** In addition, all candidates seeking admission to MBA programme are required to qualify in the Online Education Entrance Test (OEET) conducted by Anna University.
The minimum and maximum period for completion of the P.G. Programme are given below:
Programme | Minimum No. of Semesters | Maximum No. of Semesters** |
M.B.A. | 4 | 8 |
** as laid down by the UGC Commission from time to time.
The online learning shall have the following four quadrant ‘approach’, namely:-
(a) Quadrant-I is e-Tutorial; which shall contain: Video and Audio Content in an organized form, Animations, Simulations, video demonstrations, Virtual Labs, etc, along with the transcription of the video.
(b) Quadrant-II is e-Content; which shall contain; self-instructional material (digital Self Learning Material), e-Books, illustrations, case studies, presentations etc, and also contain Web Resources such as further references, Related Links, Open source Content on Internet, Video, Case Studies, books including e-books, research papers and journals, Anecdotal information, Historical development of the subject, Articles, etc.
(c) Quadrant-III is the Discussion forum for raising of doubts and clarifying the same on real time basis by the Course Coordinator or his team.
(d) Quadrant-IV is Assessment, which shall contain; Problems and Solutions, which could be in the form of Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, Matching Questions, Short Answer Questions, Long Answer Questions, Quizzes, Assignments and solutions, Discussion forum topics and setting up the FAQs, Clarifications on general misconceptions.
4.1 Every Programme will have a curriculum and syllabi consisting of core courses, specialization courses and project work. The medium of instruction, examination and project report shall be in English.
The course delivery in online mode will comprise of the following proportionate to the required norms:
i. e-content hours
ii. e-tutorial hours
iii. Synchronous interactive sessions in the form of webinars / interactive live-lectures
iv. Asynchronous mentoring hours through Discussion forum
v. Self-study hours including Assessments
4.2.1 Project work shall be carried out by the candidate under the supervision of a qualified guide from a panel of guides approved by the Online Steering Committee and listed in the website of the Centre.
4.2.2 A project proposal validated by the guide has to be submitted online to the Online Steering Committee, for approval, as per the schedule in the project semester. The students can proceed with their project work after their proposals are reviewed and approved by the Online Steering Committee, Online cell, Centre for Distance Education.
4.2.3 Two project review meetings shall be conducted by the Online cell with two subject experts and that will be counted for continuous assessment. If the candidate fails to obtain 50% of the Continuous Assessment marks in the Project Work, he/she will not be permitted to submit the report and has to re-enroll for the same in the subsequent semester.
4.2.4 The Project Report prepared according to guidelines and approved by the guide shall be submitted to Online Cell, CDE. The final project report must also be submitted online as a pdf document to the Director, Online Cell, Centre for Distance Education on or before the specified date.
4.2.5 The final Project Report for the programme shall be submitted at the end of the final Semester as per the schedule announced by the Online Steering Committee.
a. If the candidate fails to submit the Project Report on or before the specified deadline he/she is deemed to have failed in the Project Work and shall re-enroll for the same in a subsequent semester.
b. If the candidate fails in the viva-voce examination he/she shall re-enroll for the same in the subsequent semester.
The Office of the Controller of Examinations, Anna University is responsible for conducting the Online Examinations. The Controller of Examinations will identify and designate staff for the conduct of proctored exams and will take care of the logistics of conducting exam.
5.1 The evaluation shall include two types of assessments; (i) continuous or formative assessment; and (ii) summative assessment in the form of end semester examination or term end examination.The learner should have minimum participation of 75 per cent in all the activities of Online programme prior to end semester examination or term end examination.
5.2 The maximum marks for each theory course shall be 100, comprising of 30 marks for continuous assessment and 70 marks for the end-semester examinations. There shall be one end semester examination for each theory course.
The following will be the weightages for different courses.
i) Theory course:
- Continuous Assessment – 30%
- End Semester Examination - 70%
ii) Project work
- Continuous Assessment - 30%
- Evaluation and Viva-Voce Examination - 70%
- Evaluation of the report – 20%
- Viva-voce Examination - 50%
5.2.1 The Continuous assessment internal marks will be awarded to students based on their performance and engagement in any or both forms of assessments viz., objective / subjective.
5.2.2 Anna University offering programme through Online mode shall conduct end semester examinations either using technology enabled online test with all the security arrangements ensuring transparency and credibility of the examinations, or through the Proctored Examination and in conformity with any other norms for such examination as may be laid down by the UGC. The attendance of examinees shall be authenticated through biometric system as per Aadhaar details or other Government identifiers for Indian learners and Passports for International learners.
5.3 The end semester evaluation of the Project work will be based on the project report evaluation and a Viva-Voce Examination by a team consisting of an Internal Examiner and an External Examiner in the online mode. The team of Examiner(s) shall be appointed by the Controller of Examinations, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025.
5.4 If a student indulges in malpractice in any of the continuous assessment /end semester / project work, he / she shall be liable for punitive action as recommended by the disciplinary committee appointed by the University as per the prevailing University regulations.
6.1 A candidate may, for valid medical / official reasons be granted permission to withdraw from appearing in the end semester examinations in any course or courses in ANY ONE of the semester examination during the entire duration of the Degree programme. The application shall be sent to COE through the Director, Online cell, CDE with required documents.
6.2 Withdrawal application shall be valid only if the candidate is otherwise eligible to write the examination and if it is made within fifteen days prior to the commencement of the semester examination based on the recommendation of the Director, Online cell, CDE and submitted to the Controller of Examinations in the prescribed format. Withdrawal facility is available for only once in the whole period of study. Withdrawal shall not be construed as an appearance for the eligibility of award of Degree.
6.3 Notwithstanding the requirement of mandatory fifteen days notice, applications for withdrawal for special cases under extraordinary conditions will be considered on the merit of the case.
6.4 If a student withdraws a course or courses from writing end semester examinations, he/she shall register the same in the subsequent semester and write the end semester examination(s).
6.5 Withdrawal shall not be considered as an appearance for deciding the eligibility of a student for First Class with Distinction.
6.6 If a student withdraws from Project viva voce examination, he/she will be permitted only after the submission of project report before the deadline. However, the candidate may appear for the viva-voce examination within 30 days after the declaration of results and the same is not considered as reappearance.
6.7 Withdrawal is not permitted for arrears examinations of the previous semesters.
7.1 A candidate who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for the course (Continuous Assessment + End semester Examination) with a minimum of 45% of the marks prescribed for the End-Semester University Examination in both theory and project shall be declared to have passed in the course and acquired the relevant number of credits.
7.2 If a student fails to secure a pass in a theory course, the student shall register and appear only for the end semester examination in the subsequent semester. In such case, the continuous assessment marks obtained by the student in the first appearance shall be retained and considered valid for all subsequent attempts till the student secures a pass. However, from the third attempt onwards if a student fails to obtain pass marks (Continuous Assessment + End semester Examination) as per clause 7.1 then the student shall be declared to have passed the examination if he/she secures a minimum of 50% marks prescribed for the University End semester Examinations alone.
7.3 A student who has passed any course / all the courses prescribed in the curriculum for the award of the degree shall not be permitted to re-enroll to improve his/her marks in a course or the aggregate marks respectively.
Individual mark sheet for each semester will be issued by the Controller of Examination through CDE after the publication of the results.
9.1 A student shall be declared eligible for the award of the degree if
(i) he/she has successfully passed all the courses as specified in the curriculum corresponding to the respective programme within a maximum period of 4 years reckoned from the commencement of the first semester to which the candidate was admitted
(ii) No disciplinary action is pending against him/her.
(iii) The award of the degree must have been approved by the Syndicate of the University.
10.1 A candidate who qualifies for the award of the Degree (vide clause 9 ) having passed the examination in all the courses in his/her first appearance within the specified minimum number of semesters (vide clause 3) reckoned from her / his commencement of study securing an aggregate of not less than 75% of total marks (Continuous Assessment plus end semester examination marks) shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Class with Distinction. Further, the authorized break of study will not be counted for the purpose of classification. Withdrawal from the examination will not be 7 considered as an appearance.
10.2 A candidate who qualifies for the award of the Degree (vide clause 9 ) having passed the examination in all the courses within the specified minimum number of semesters (vide clause 3), reckoned from his/her commencement of study plus one year for MBA securing an aggregate of not less than 60% of total marks (Continuous Assessment plus semester examination marks) shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Class. Further, the authorized break of study will not be counted for the purpose of classification. Withdrawal from the examination will not be considered as an appearance.
10.3 All other candidates (not covered in clauses 10.1 and 10.2) who qualify for the award of the degree (vide Clause 9) shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
If any candidate (student who has been admitted after paying the admission fees) intends to temporarily discontinue the programme at any point of time during the programme for valid reason and to rejoin the programme in the semester for which the candidate had obtained the break of study at a later period, the following rules are prescribed:
11.1 The candidate shall apply in the prescribed format with necessary documents to the Director, Online cell, Centre for Distance Education not later than the last date for enrolling for the semester examination of that concerned semester.
11.2 A candidate is eligible for break of study for not more than two semesters without any fees.
11.3 In the event of the period of break of study extending beyond two semesters, the candidate shall pay the necessary rejoining fees and join the programme during the subsequent semester.
The authorized break of study of maximum of two semesters would not be counted towards the duration specified for passing all the courses for the purpose of classification (vide clause 10)
The total period for completion of the Programme reckoned from, the commencement of the first semester to which the candidate was admitted shall not exceed the maximum period specified in clause 2.3 irrespective of the period of break of study in order that he/she may be eligible for the award of the degree.
If any student is prevented for want of required attendance, the period of prevention shall not be considered as authorized ‘Break of Study’.
11.4 The candidates permitted to rejoin the programme after break of study / prevention due to lack of attendance, shall be governed by the Curriculum and Regulations in force at the time of rejoining. The students rejoining in new Regulations shall apply to the Director, Online cell, Centre for Distance Education at the beginning of the readmitted semester.